this website tells you ubout the seahawks and super bowl XLIX and superbowl XLVIII
was a game you were not expecting to lose on the last play of the game when the patriots inersepted the ball and won (24-28). which sucks beacuse that gave tom brady his 4th super bowl win and gave him one of the best super bowl records in NFL history which make the lost even worse.
super bowl 48 was a blow out. almost the highet blowout in super bowl history 43-8. which the seahawks scored in the first 5 seconds of the game by a safty. which the broncos at that time were thinking its going to be a blowout from the getgo and it was a blowout. i kind of felt bad for the broncos that it was a blowout but I gess its beacuse payton mannings like 200 years old you know what I mean.
its not how you start its how you finish